The Applied Technology Junior Academy (ATjA) is an exciting platform filled with educational programs that exposes students to current technology in an educational environment. ATjA is a series of enrichment courses that is suitable for various age groups designed to prepare students for the real-world challenges in the near future.
应用 Applied Technology Junior Academy(ATjA)是一个充满趣味性的教育平台,让学生可以在教育环境下接触到最新的科技。ATjA 涵括一系列的辅助课程,适合各种年龄段学生,旨在为学生在不久的将来面对现实世界的挑战做好准备。
ATjA consists of five clusters; Digital Multimedia, Productivity, Coding, Edutainment with the Digital World, 21st Century Skills for Learners. Each cluster provides students with the fundamental skills to become more than just technology consumers but nurture them to grow into creators and innovators.
ATjA 由五个集群组成; 数码多媒体、提高生产力工具、编程、数码世界的寓教于乐、21 世纪的学习技能。每个集群都让学生能学习到基本的应用技能,使他们不仅能成为科技使用者,还可以成长为创造者和创新者。
The 5 Learning Clusters of ATjA consist of 8 different types of courses. This diverse range of courses provides flexibility, variety and choice, to suit the unique learning needs of every student. ATjA focuses on project-based learning that delivers actual outcomes. Students will be learning towards an end project or outcome, which can be later shown or presented to parents at the end of the course.
ATjA 的 5 个学习集群包含了 8 种不同类型的课程。多种不同的课程提供了灵活性、多样性和选择性以切合每个学生独特的学习需求。ATjA 着重于以实际结果为导向的项目式学习,当完成课程后,学生将可以向父母展示他们的项目或结果。
All ATjA courses will be offered in 3 different levels or bands, that are carefully developed to fit into the different age groups from Year 1 till 6. These age-appropriate curriculums provide a more efficient and effective learning progression for all students.
Unleash your creativity through digital design and interactive programming. This course guides students to blend audio, animation, graphics and text in a digital environment to develop animations, interactive quizzes and games through coding. Students will also gain 21st century core competencies such as digital literacy, collaboration, communication, critical thinking and problem-solving that schools need to condition students to thrive in today’s world.
ATjA 的所有课程将分成 3 个级别或等级,是专门为 1 年级至 6 年级不同年龄段的学生而精心设计。这些以年龄段分级的课程为学生提供了更有效的学习进度。
通过数码设计和互动式编程释放你的创造力。此课程指导学生在数码环境中整合音频、动画、图形和文本,以编码创建动画片、互动测验和游戏。学生也将通过此课程学习到 21 世纪的核心技能,例如数码素养、协作、沟通、批判性思维和解决问题能力,这是学校需培育学生在今日的世界茁壮成长的能力。
Halocode is a wireless single board computer which is designed for programming education. Its compact design integrates a broad selection of electronics modules. Our hands on programme offers a different level of curriculum tailored to students aged from 7 – 12. This programme aims to cultivate their interest in computer programming. Students are encouraged to code and make the device workable.
Halocode 是用于程序设计教育的单板计算机,其紧凑的设计集成了多种电子模块。我们为 7 至 12 岁的学生量身定制了不同层次的动手实践课程,目的在于培养学生们对电脑编程的兴趣。我们鼓励学生们灵活的应用此设备。
Mental health is a fundamental component of health. However, the recognition of the importance and awareness are still very limited. The emotional well-being of our children has an impact on their daily functioning, including their behaviour, productivity, and creative expression. Thus, we work together with mental health professionals to help parents and community to fortify our children emotional well-being. This is also important because our children learn to manage their own social wellbeing as well.
心理健康是身心健康的重要组成部分。但是,人们对其重要性和认知仍然非常有限。孩子情感上的健康将会影响他们的日常作息,包括他们的行为、生产力和创造力。因此,我们与心理健康专业人士合作,帮助父母和社会加强孩子的情感健康,而最重要的是孩子也需学会管理自己的社交健 。
Let your child explore the secret behind science principle and cultivate critical thinking skills through fun and exciting activities. Magic can cultivate children’ self-confidence, expression of feelings and sense of humor. It also improves public speaking and communication skills in them. Magic develop creativity and problem-solving skills too. Most important it makes the child happy.